Tuesday, March 2, 2010


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Although I've been trying very hard since my move to the city to cut down on my magazine spending (it's actually going pretty well!), there is always going to be 1 or 2 issues a month that I absolutely have to get my hands on. Of course the UK edition of Marie Claire with Nicole Richie was at the top of my list. Besides being completely obsessed with her and her entire spread, I really loved the entire magazine overall. Is it just me or does Europe just have better magazines in general?? I feel like everytime I flip through a Paris Vogue or UK Harpers Bazaar I can't seem to put it down! So yeah, my girl obvi rocked her shoot and that dark hair with the bangs?! Love me some Nicole. Really. She can do no wrong in my eyes. Everrrrrr! :)


Krislyn said...

oh my gosh. drooling over the metallic skirt! so killer!

Soo said...

LOVE the makeup, leopard heels, and accessories here. how'd the move to the city go??

A dream without a plan is just a wish.. said...
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A dream without a plan is just a wish.. said...

it's not you...Europe has better magazines in general lol..& these pictures are ISH!